By: Molly Heitz


As the 4th of July approaches, we are reminded of the value of freedom and the sacrifices made to secure it. The 4th of July, also known as Independence Day, is when Americans celebrate their freedom and the birth of the nation. It is a day to reflect on the sacrifices made by our forefathers to secure our independence and the freedoms we enjoy today. It is also a day to celebrate those who served in our armed forces, those who have served and those who paid the ultimate price for our country. Thank you, Veterans!


Freedom is one of the most important values we have as human beings. Freedom allows us to pursue our dreams, express ourselves and make our own choices. It gives us the ability to create, innovate and achieve greatness.


We can speak our minds, worship as we choose and live without fear of persecution. We can pursue our passions, start businesses and create new technologies to change the world. However, we must also remember that freedom is not free. Our forefathers and veterans fought and died to secure our independence and our freedom. It is up to us to honor their sacrifices by defending the freedoms we enjoy today.


Ways to celebrate freedom this Independence Day:


–           Have a cookout with family and friends.

–           Attend or create a firework show. Remember to treat fireworks with the safety and care they require. Here are some important safety tips that may help.

–           Find a public lake/ocean and enjoy the beach.

–            Enjoy a picnic at an Armed Forces historical monument like the WW1 Museum in Kansas City, MO.

–           Get outside and enjoy freedom!


As we celebrate the 4th of July, let us remember the value of freedom and the sacrifices made to secure it. Let us honor the brave men and women who fought for our independence and the generations of Americans who have defended our freedom. And let us renew our commitment to defending the freedoms we cherish so that future generations can enjoy the same freedoms we do today.


Make sure to stay safe this holiday. If you are having a major Independence Day event, remember that having special event insurance is a great idea! Need a hand? Contact TrustPoint Insurance and Real Estate today – at 620.364.5665 or