By Molly Heitz


It’s that time of year again – the start of a new school year is approaching. Returning to school after a long break can be exciting and overwhelming for your children. So, follow along for some essential back-to-school safety tips and tricks.

  1. Refresh your children’s school’s safety policies with the entire family. The school rules can be beneficial to staying safe and navigating a new year.
  2. Get organized. Going into the year with an organized mindset and backpack can help manage first-day jitters. Prepare your children’s backpacks with them, and ensure they have everything needed for the school day, including hand sanitizer, books and other necessary supplies.
  3. Stay organized: Dedicate a space for school supplies, homework and a sports equipment spot to avoid your kids misplacing one of these items or frantically searching for them in a time crunch. Mudrooms are a great catchall for this kind of thing, especially if there is room for small lockers or cubby holes for each child.
  4. Stay connected: Stay in touch with the teachers, counselors and parents of classmates who are a part of your children’s lives to stay informed about happenings, updates and changes at school.
  5. Keep their belongings clean: Use disinfectant wipes or spray to clean backpacks, books and belongings regularly. Advise your kids to avoid sharing personal items like water bottles or headphones with other students.
  6. Arrive at school safely: Getting to school is half the battle! If your children walk to school, have them walk with a friend or family member. Walking the route to school a couple of days before the new year starts can also be a great way to ensure safety. If they ride the bus to school, make sure they know all bus safety rules and understand the importance of respecting the bus driver. Their safety is in their hands. If they drive to school, it is essential that they know where to park and secure their vehicle. Make sure your auto insurance is up to date and covers your teen; those school parking lots can be tight and tricky!

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Enjoy the school year, and stay safe!