By Daniel Steinzeig

The leaves are changing, the air is brisk, football is on and pumpkin spice everything is back at the local coffee shop. Fall has arrived! Here are five quick tips you need to know to prepare your home for the upcoming months.

  1. Clean your gutters

Your gutters have been filling up with sticks, leaves and dirt for months. If it rains, sleets or snows, the water will be blocked by all that gunk, and it won’t be able to drain properly, which could cause water to leak into your home. Grab some gloves, a metal scooper and a bucket, and start scooping! Use a hose to wash away the remaining debris. Be safe with ladders. Sometimes it’s best to hire an area professional for this job!

  1. Check for air leaks

Check every window and door to avoid autumn and winter air creeping in. If you notice cold air getting through, seal the leaks using caulk or weatherstripping. The temperature outside will drop, and you don’t want that cold air inside your home. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, sealing up a house can save you up to 20 percent on your heating bills.

  1. Service your furnace

The last thing you want is to turn on your heat for the first time, and the furnace isn’t working. Check your furnace for unusual noises and ensure it works before you need to use it; that way when the time comes, you don’t have to stress about it. It’s always good to get an annual check-up. Remember to change your filter regularly.

  1. Inspect your roof

A leaky roof is one of the most annoying homeowner’s problems. Waiting until the last minute to check your roof will only worsen things. Get ahead of the game! Before the cold, make sure you get up there and check your roof for any damages or hire a professional to do so. Again, your safety should be the top concern.

  1. Safety features

It is easy to forget about smoke and carbon monoxide detectors or to ensure your fire extinguisher still works, but it is essential to remember to check on these before the winter. Replace the batteries in all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, then test them to make sure they’re working. Also, check the pressure gauge on your fire extinguisher to ensure it is fully charged. These are little (but significant) things to remember to do during the fall.

Even if you take these steps and other precautions, accidents and damages can still occur. Make sure your homeowner’s insurance covers you by contacting TrustPoint Insurance & Real Estate today.