by Emily Raunig


Many people drive around all day for their job. While these employees drive from one location to the next, they often are receiving calls and emails from their boss, clients, vendors and more. If a subject is urgent, the employee may feel the need to respond quickly, even while driving. Distracted driving has become a national problem. According to NHSTA distracted driving took 3,142 lives in 2019.

While it may be against the law to use your phone in some ways, it’s hard to not answer when work is calling. However, many employers are starting to implement a zero-tolerance cell phone policy while employees drive to and from work and work appointments. This creates a safer work environment for employees on the road.

Here are a few reasons to consider implementing a zero-tolerance cell phone policy and how to go about it.

Many employers think a ban on cell phone use while driving will lower productivity; in reality, it will not. Different surveys have seen results such as higher productivity. According to American Safety Council, some Fortune 500 companies that adopted this policy in 2010 saw a 19% productivity increase, with only a 7% decrease. If you want to implement this policy, how do you get your whole team on board?

  • Have meetings that emphasize the importance of safe driving

Regular meetings about safe driving can help employees avoid using their phones while driving. Clearly voice your disapproval of distracted driving, even regarding work calls. This can help your employees become more comfortable putting their phones down when they’re behind the wheel.

  • Have everyone on the same page

This policy probably won’t go very far if only one person is passionate about it. Have your top management show their approval for this zero-tolerance policy. If everyone in your company supports it, it will be easier for employees to adapt to it.

  • Monitor the policy

By monitoring your employees regularly, you can determine if it’s helping reduce distracted driving. Ask if they have any input or suggestions for the policy.

To help further protect your employees and your company, consider buying business insurance. If an employee is involved in an auto accident while working, it can fall back on the employer, even if it wasn’t distracted driving. There are several different types of insurance for your business that can help cover employee injuries on the job and business vehicles used. Our team at TrustPoint Insurance & Real Estate can help you find what business insurance plan is right for you!